तण्हाणुबंधणाणि य वोच्छिन्दइ
Detachment destroys the bondage of attachment and desire
Detachment destroys the bondage of attachment and desire
O man! Know the truth very well
One who speaks concisely and faultlessly with thinking, he gets respect from gentlemen
Service of humanity is service of god
Bhāva: Mahāsatī sītānō rāvaṇanē paḍakāra nē śīla dr̥ḍhatā
Janaka sutā huṁ nāma dharāvuṁ,
rāma chē antara jāmī;
Pālava mārō mēlōnē pāpī,
kuḷanē lāgē chē khāmī.
Aḍaśō mān̄jō, mān̄jō mān̄jō mān̄jō mān̄jō aḍaśō,
Mhārō nāvalīyō duhavāya,
manē saṅga kēnō na suhāya;
Mhāruṁ mana mānhēthī akaḷāya.
It is said in the administration of Almighty, who is free of karmas, that no soul can become pure by hiding any sin. The soul can become pure by revealing all hidden sins and leaving all illusions and attachments. Therefore, one has to go for self criticism to become pure. Continue reading “Who is eligible for the penance of Self-criticism?” »
Good family-members lead religious life only
Bhāva: Nārī nē nārāyaṇī banāvatī hitaśikṣā
Nātha kahē tuṁ suṇanē nārī, śikhāmaṇa chē sārī jī;
vacana tē saghaḷāṁ vīṇī lēśē,
tēhanā kāraja saraśē, śāṇī tha’i'ē ja