One day, a pair of twins, as they were playing together in accordance with the nature of children, went together under a palm tree. By the evil contrivance of fate, just then a large palm-fruit fell from the tree on the boy’s head like a stroke of lightning on a castor bean plant. Struck on the head in the manner of the crow-and-palm tree fable, the boy died then by the first accidental death. Because he had very slight passions, the boy-twin went to heaven. Cotton indeed rises in the air from its lightness. Formerly, large birds at once lifted up the bodies of dead twins like nest wood, and threw them in the Ocean. At that time, from the deterioration (of the times), the body remained just so. For the avasarpini has decreasing power. Then the second one of the twins, the girl, by nature endowed with innocence, stood with tremulous eyes, like a remnant after a sale. Her parents took her and raised her, and gave her the name Sunanda. After a few days her parents also died. For the twins live but a short time after their children are born. The girl, dazed by wondering what to do, with restless eye, wandered alone in the forest like a deer lost from the herd. Continue reading “The Lord’s Marriage” »
The Lord’s Marriage
Practise good conduct
बाहाहिं सागरो चेव,
तरियव्वो गुणोदहिं
तरियव्वो गुणोदहिं
To practice good conduct is akin to swim the sea with arms
Wallpaper #5
Science and religion
विण्णए समागम्म धम्मसाहणमिच्छिउं
Instruments of religion and science must meet together
Keep the faith intact
जाए सद्धाए निक्खंते,
तमेव अणुपालेज्जा विजहित्ता विसोत्तियं
तमेव अणुपालेज्जा विजहित्ता विसोत्तियं
Leaving aside doubts, the faith with which initiation has been taken, should be kept intact
Best penance
तवेसु वा उत्तमं बंभचेरं
Chastity is the best penance
Four restraints
चउव्विहे संजमे – मणसंजमे,
वइसंजमे, कायसंजमे, उवगरणसंजमे
वइसंजमे, कायसंजमे, उवगरणसंजमे
Restraint are of four types – restrain of mind, speech, body and instruments
One better than another
सूरं मण्णइ अप्पाणं,
जाव जेयं न पस्सति
जाव जेयं न पस्सति
Man believes himself brave until he does not see the conqueror
Well-vowed attains moksha
भिक्खाए वा गिहत्थे वा,
सुव्वह गम्मई दिवं
सुव्वह गम्मई दिवं
Whether he is an ascetic or a family man, one who keeps his vows well attains moksha