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Suvidhi jinēsara pāya namīnē
Śrī Suvidhinātha Jina Stavana
Rāga : Kēdārō – ”ēma dhannō dhaṇanē paracāvē rē…” Ē dēśī
Suvidhi jinēsara pāya namīnē,
śubha karaṇī ēma kījē rē;
Ati ghaṇō ūlaṭa aṅga dharīnē,
praha ūṭhī pūjījē rē.
Ninth Incarnation as a physician Jivananda
After he had enjoyed pleasures unceasingly, the soul of Vajrajangha fell from the exhaustion of his life-span, Just as a snow-ball melts in the sun. In Jambudvipa in the Videhas, in the city Ksitipratisthita, he was born as the son, named Jivananda, of the physician Suvidhi. At the same time in this city four other boys were born, like pieces of Dharma joined to bodies. Among them, one was the son, named Mahidhara, of King Isanacandra by his wife Kanakavati. Continue reading “Ninth Incarnation as a physician Jivananda” »
Refutation of Maya – Part 3
A drum sounded, making the heavens resound with its echoes, and Bards recited: “Hail! O Delight of the World,” etc. The palace, filled with the sounds of song and music and outcries of the Bards, thundered as it were with delight at the arrival of the lord. Then he, like one who had just arisen from sleep, seeing this, wondered: “Is this magic? Is it a dream? Is it illusion? What sort of thing is it? Are the singing, dancing, etc., for my benefit? Are these respectful people here for my benefit as their lord? How did I obtain this abode, luxurious, beautiful, enjoyable, pleasant, the abode of joy?” Continue reading “Refutation of Maya – Part 3” »
Aba mōhē tārō sumati jinēśa
Shri Sumatinath Jina Stavan
Rāga: Vāghēśvarī
Continue reading “Aba mōhē tārō sumati jinēśa” »
Avadhū! Āja suhāgana nārī
Āja suhāgana nārī avadhū!
Āja suhāgana nārī,
Mērē nātha āpa sudha
līnī kīnī nija aṅgacārī.
Old age
ण रतीए, ण विभूसाए
In old age, man is neither capable of joking, nor playing, nor loving and nor beautifying
The poisoned thorn
विसलित्तं व कंटगं नच्चा
Knowing the woman as a poisoned thorn, a celibate man should keep away from them