Quarrel provoking speech should not be used
Speak not what provokes quarrel
Do Not Accept in Excess
‘Nirgrantha’ is the one who does not take Food and water in excess
Non-violence is supreme
If you beat someone, you will be beaten one day
Sermon – Part 2
Good conduct is defined as the rejection of sinful activities. It is twofold: partial (desavirati) and total (sarvavirati).39 The five lesser vows (anuvrata), the three meritorious vows (gunavrata), the four disciplinary vows (siksavrata) are considered the twelve fold partial reduction. Among these, avoidance of injury, lying, stealing, impurity, and possessions in their grosser forms are called by the Jinas the ‘lesser vows.’ The three ‘meritorious vows’ are: the limitation of travel, the limitation of things of single and repeated use, and the limitation of purposeless injury. The four ‘disciplinary vows’ are tranquility, limitation to one place, fasting, and living like a muni, the distribution of alms. Continue reading “Sermon – Part 2” »
Thirteenth Incarnation – The birth of Rsabha
When there remained in the third spoke of time eighty-four lacs of Purvas plus eighty-nine fortnights, on the fourth day of the dark fortnight of the month Asadha, when the moon was in conjunction with the Uttarasadha constellation, the soul of Sri Vajranabha, after completing a span of life to the extent of thirty-three sagaropamas, fell from Sarvarthasiddhi and descended into the womb of Marudevi, the wife of Sri Nabhi, as a hansa would descend from Lake Manasa to the bank of the Mandakinis. Continue reading “Thirteenth Incarnation – The birth of Rsabha” »
How to study?
Stop disrespecting knowledge & knowledgeable people. Increase your inner strength & mental level
Celibacy : Scientific Analysis
Celibacy is absolute freedom from sexual thoughts and desires. It is the total control of all the senses in thought, word and deed.
Celibacy is not mere bachelorhood. There should be strict abstinence not merely from sexual intercourse but also from auto-erotic manifestations, from masturbation, from homosexual acts and from all perverse sexual practices.
Continue reading “Celibacy : Scientific Analysis” »