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Sadharmik Bhakti – Second duty of the year
Sorry, this entry is only available in हिंदी.
Complete on time
न पच्छा परितप्पए
Those who are able to finish their work on time, they do not regret later
Wisdom and good conduct
सीलवंता बहुस्सुया
Wise man and man of good conduct are never afraid until death
Manner of speech
पुट्ठो, वा नालियं वए
Without being asked nothing should be spoken, and even when asked, untruth should not be spoken
Maharaj Kumarpal
The life of Rajarshi (king with the attributes of a sage) Kumarpal symbolising bravery, justice and compassion and it is a glorious chapter in the saga of Jainism. Kumarpal, an apostle of non-violence, was a powerful monarch. As a man of exceptional talents, he had carved out a niche for himself not only in the history of Gujarat but of India and his life was full of some extraordinary events. Continue reading “Maharaj Kumarpal” »
Mōha sē tērā kamāyā
Rāga: Ēśakē sāmāna saba ēka dina yahāṁ raha jāyēṅgē
Bhāva: Dun’yavī cījanī naśvaratā, āvatā janmanī cintā
Mōhanō tyāga nē dharmanō rāga
Mōha sē tērā kamāyā,
dhana yahāṁ raha jāyagā;
Prēmasē ati puṣṭa kīyā,
tana jalāyā jāyagā.
Prabhubhajanakī bhāvanā bīna,
paralōkamēṁ kyā pāyēgā
Kuccha kamā’i yahāṁ na kīnī,
khālī hāthē jāyēgā.