Some people commit violence with some aim and some aimlessly
Useless violence
अट्ठा हणंति, अणट्ठा हणंति
It is the habit of many people to simply uproot a plant while walking and throw that away, to pick a flower and crush that, to break the branch of the tree, keep it in their hand for sometime and then throw that away. Many ladies are such that while standing they go on scrapping the earth with their toe. Thus, purposelessly, violence is committed on the vegetables and the earth. Continue reading “Useless violence” »
Don’t be un-vigilant
समयं गोयम ! मा पमायए
O Goutama! Don’t be un-vigilant even for a moment
Do not speak in between
राइणियस्स भासमाणस्स वा
वियागरेमाणस्स वा नो अन्तरा भासं भासिज्ज
वियागरेमाणस्स वा नो अन्तरा भासं भासिज्ज
When elders (gurus) are speaking, preaching, then we should not speak in between
Destroyer of friends
माया मित्ताणि नासेइ
Deception destroys friendship
Ticket, Tax or Talent…Stealing anything is bad
Evading tax is a punishable offence
Ilachiputra didn’t confess in his previous birth
There was a brahmin named Agnisharma in Vasantpur town. He took vows along with his wife Priyamati. Their mutual attachment remained as before for which they didn’t confess. Continue reading “Ilachiputra didn’t confess in his previous birth” »
Motivational Wallpaper #17
श्वेतांबर हो या दिगंबर हो, बुद्ध हो या अन्य कोई मतवादी हो,
मगर…जो समभाव से भावित आत्मा होगी, वह मोक्ष प्राप्त करेगी| उसमे कोई शंका नहीं
Standard Screen | Widescreen | Mobile |
800×600 | 1280×720 | iPad-Horizontal |
1024×768 | 1280×800 | iPad-Vertical |
1400×1050 | 1440×900 | |
1600×1200 | 1920×1080 | |
1920×1200 | ||
2560×1440 | ||
2560×1600 |
Self-criticism is a must for all
जह सुकुसलो वि विज्जो अन्नस्स
कहेइ अत्तणो वाहि|
एवं जाणगस्स वि सल्लुद्धरणं परसगासे॥
कहेइ अत्तणो वाहि|
एवं जाणगस्स वि सल्लुद्धरणं परसगासे॥