“Dharma is the highest happiness. Dharma bestows heaven and emancipation. Dharma shows the road for crossing the wilderness of samsara. Dharma nourishes like a mother, protects like a father, pleases like a friend, and is loving like a kinsman. Dharma imparts very fine qualities like a guru. Dharma confers a distinguished position like a master. Dharma is a mansion of bliss. Dharma is a shield in danger from enemies. Dharma is heat for the destruction of cold. Dharma knows the weak points of sins. From Dharma* a creature could become a king, from Dharma a Rama, from Dharma an ardhacakrin, from Dharma a cakrin, from Dharma a god, and from Dharma an Indra. From Dharma one attains Ahamindraship in the Graiveyaka and Anuttara heavens. From Dharma one attains Arhatship. What is not accomplished by Dharma? Dharma is socalled from supporting creatures who have fallen into a bad condition of existence. It is fourfold with the divisions of offering (dana), Austerity (Shila), penance (tapas*), and state of mind (bhava). Continue reading “Sermon – Part 1” »
Sermon – Part 1
Flying kites is dangerous
Don’t enjoy at the cost of others
Description of Airavana
Then the thrones of all the Indras shook, as if to urge them in the business of the Master’s kevala-festival. The bells in the heavens rang at once with a penetrating sound, like messengers in the business of summoning their respective people. From the mere thought of the Lord of Saudharma wishing to go to the Master’s feet, the god Airavana, turned into an elephant, approached. With his body a lac of yojanas long he shone like Meru which had become alive, wishing to see the Master. Continue reading “Description of Airavana” »
Do not have enmity, opposition
Do not nurture enmity or opposition against anyone
Prāṇī saba cētō
Rāga: Māḍha. Mērē gamakā tarānā
Bhāva: Paranārī tyāga nē pāpatyāganī prēraṇā
Prāṇī saba cētō, bāta lō ē tō,
dila viṣē utāra;
Tuma ātama tārī, sukha karanārī,
bāta hamārī dila viṣē utāra.
Pāpa na karanā, dukhasē ḍaranā,
haranā viṣaya kaṣāya;
Paranārīkō māta samajakara,
usasē lō dila haṭāya rē.
Weapon or weaponless ?
नत्थि असत्थं परेण परं||
There are weapons, which are one better than another, but there is nothing greater than weaponless ahimsa