Until you are not dead, wish for quality growth
Everyone desires for sense gratification but wise men aspire for value growth. Continue reading “Wish for quality growth” »
Until you are not dead, wish for quality growth
Everyone desires for sense gratification but wise men aspire for value growth. Continue reading “Wish for quality growth” »
A spiritual aspirant should break up the bondage of attachment like the serpent which relinquishes its skin
It can be said with certainty that misery arises due to sensuality.
Craving for the world is like the frightful creeper which gives horrible results
What has been done should be said as done; and what has not been done should be said as not done
Know the quantity of food intake
Moksha is not attained in absence of attributes and freedom is not attained in absence of moksha
Do not speak too much
Like birds desert the tree bereft of fruits, enjoyments abandon the man of depleted virtues
Human desires are infinite like an ocean