Happiness emerges out of forgiving
Benefits of forgiving
खमावणयाएणं पल्हायणभावं जणयइ
If someone offends us, we are capable of punishing him but instead of punishing him we pardon him, let him free then both the offender and the one against whom offence was committed would feel happy. Continue reading “Benefits of forgiving” »
Wealth cannot protect an unvigilant man
वित्तेण ताणं न लभे पमत्ते,
इमम्मि लोए अदु वा परत्था
इमम्मि लोए अदु वा परत्था
Through wealth an unvigilant man cannot protect himself, either in this world or another
Work on time
काले कालं समायरे
At proper time, appropriate work must be done
Penance and Caste
सुक्खं खु दीसइ तवोविसेसो,
न दीसई जाइविसेस कोई
न दीसई जाइविसेस कोई
Penance – special is seen directly, but caste-special is not seen
Restraining the desires
छंदं निरोहेण उवेइ मोक्खं
Moksha (liberation) is possible through restraining of desires
Find The Truth Through Experience
अप्पणा सच्चमेसेज्जा
Find the truth yourself
The detached aspirant
विरता हु न लग्गंति,
जहा से सुक्कगोलए
जहा से सुक्कगोलए
As a ball made of dry mud, detached aspirant is not attached
Wish for quality growth
कङ्खे गुणे जाव सरीरभेऊ
Until you are not dead, wish for quality growth
Everyone desires for sense gratification but wise men aspire for value growth. Continue reading “Wish for quality growth” »
Bondage of Attachment
ममत्तं छिंदए ताए, महानागोव्व कंचुयं
A spiritual aspirant should break up the bondage of attachment like the serpent which relinquishes its skin
Relinquish sensuality
कामाणुगिद्धिप्पभवं खु दुक्खं
It can be said with certainty that misery arises due to sensuality.