Well-vowed aspirant should take less food, water and speak less
Restrain the taste
अप्पपिण्डासि पाणासि अप्पं भासेज्ज सुव्वए
The tongue has two jobs – to taste and to speak. Both require great restraint. Continue reading “Restrain the taste” »
Attachment of the un-restraints
मोहं जंति नरा असंवुडा
Un-restraints are attached
Try to understand
संबुज्झह, किं न बुज्झह?
संबोही खलु पेच्च दुल्लहा
संबोही खलु पेच्च दुल्लहा
Understand ! Why do you not understand? Alter the death acquisition of right knowledge is rare
Do not get angry
वुच्चमाणो न संजले
Even if someone were to abuse an aspirant, he should not get angry.
Pure, free and forbearing
सारदसलिलं इव सुद्धहियया,
विहग इव विप्पमुक्का,
वसुंधरा इव सव्वफासविसहा
विहग इव विप्पमुक्का,
वसुंधरा इव सव्वफासविसहा
Hearts of Sadhus are as pure as the water of a river in autumn. Like the bird, they are free of bondage and like the earth, they endure all pleasures and pain with equanimity
Speak not what is not liked
तुमं तुमं ति अमणुं, सव्वसो तं न वत्तए
Speak not that, which conveys disregard
Do not get stuck in the mire
महयं पलिगोव जाणिया, जा वि य वंदणपूयणा इहं
Respect and regard in the world must be considered as great mire
Promotion of antagonism
परिग्गहनिविट्ठाणं वेरं तेसिं पवड्ढइ
Those who are engaged in increasing their wealth, they generate enmity against themselves only
Inner purity
उदगस्स फासेण सिया य सिद्धी,
सिज्झंसु पाणा बहवे दगंसि
सिज्झंसु पाणा बहवे दगंसि
If purity were possible with the touch of water (bathing), then many water-beings would have got liberated