अस्सिं लोए परत्थ य
One who controls self; he only gets happiness in this world and the next
One who controls self; he only gets happiness in this world and the next
I renounce love of body completely; there is nothing like body hardships
Ornamental languages can also not shield (one with misconduct from his lowly birth) then what can be said about intelligence
O king! Old age destroys man’s beauty
Do not get irritated at getting less
Even if someone were to abuse an aspirant, he should not get angry.
Man of right faith does not commit sins
If you are doubtful on any subject then do not say ‘this is this only’
Hearts of Sadhus are as pure as the water of a river in autumn. Like the bird, they are free of bondage and like the earth, they endure all pleasures and pain with equanimity
Who knows the internal, knows the external and who knows the external, knows the internal