Pain is self created, not by others
Pain is not given by others
अत्तकडे दुक्खे, नो परकडे
Every living being experiences the fruits of his deeds. None else can give pleasure or pain to another. This principle makes us responsible for our own deeds. Continue reading “Pain is not given by others” »
Bhaktamar Stotra – Shloka 3
Bud’dhyā vināpi vibudhārcita – pādapīṭha!
Stōtuṁ samudyata – mati – rvigatatrapōham |
Bālaṁ vihāya jala – sansthitamindubimba
Man’yaḥ ka icchati janaḥ sahasā grahītum ||3||
Karma Bondage
जं जारिसं पुव्वमकासि कम्मं,
तमेव आगच्छति संपराए
तमेव आगच्छति संपराए
What you had done in the past appears in the same way in future
Birth of forgiveness
कोहविजएणं खंतिं जणयइ
Victory over anger is the father of forgiveness
Life and body
जीवियं चेव रूवं च, विज्जुसंपाय चंचलं
Life and body are fickle like lightening
Will not repeat the mistake
तं परिण्णाय मेहावी, इयाणिं णो,
जमहं पुव्वमकासो पमाएणं
जमहं पुव्वमकासो पमाएणं
A bright aspirant, through self-realization, should resolve not to repeat the mistakes committed due to un-vigilance in the past life
Be equipoise
जहा पुण्णस्स कत्थई, तहा तुच्छस्स कत्थई|
जहा तुच्छस्स कत्थई, तहा पुण्णस्स कत्थई|
जहा तुच्छस्स कत्थई, तहा पुण्णस्स कत्थई|
As is told to the virtuous, so is told to man of vice and as is told to the vice man so is told to the virtuous
Ignorant are conceited
बालजणो पगभई
Ignorant are conceited
Simplicity and contentment
माया मज्जवभावेणं,
लोहं सन्तोसओ जिणे
लोहं सन्तोसओ जिणे
Win deceit with simplicity and greed with contentment
How should the speech be ?
भासियव्वं हियं सच्चं
Benevolent and true must be spoken