With the knowledge, wise man becomes humble
Humility in the wise
Who is not an Ascetic?
They cannot be called ascetics who cannot enjoy because of dependence
Do not harass
Harass not any living being
Jiv Vichar – Gatha 8
पुढवी जल जलण वाउ, वणस्सई थावरा नेया||
VANASPATIKAYA : Vanaspatikaya jiva are living beings that have vegetable or flora as their own bodies, also known as vegetal bodies. Continue reading “Jiv Vichar – Gatha 8” »
How do you like killing ?
निग्धिणो, निसंसो, महब्भभओ
Killing is inhuman, horrible, mean, uncivilized, merciless, cruel, and brutal
I am alone
न वाऽहमवि कस्स वि
I am alone, no body is mine and I also do not belong to anyone
I am different
Sense gratification is different, I am different
Bhaktamar Stotra – Shloka 6
Alpaśrutam śrutavatām parihāsadhāma
Tvadbhaktirēva mukharīkurutē balānmām |
Yatkōkilah kila madhau madhuram virauti
Taccāru – cūta – kalikā – nikaraikahētuh ||6||
Infatuation only is accumulation
Infatuation only is called accumulation (parigraha)
Criticizer wanders
संसारे परिवत्तई महं
One who criticizes, wanders in the world