अट्ठजुत्ताणि सिक्खिज्जा,
निरट्ठाणि उवज्जए
निरट्ठाणि उवज्जए
Refrain from wasteful learning, learn only what is useful
Refrain from wasteful learning, learn only what is useful
Attractive words etc. are the reason of attachment and repulsive are objects of aversion
With the annihilation of attachment and aversion, living beings attain total happiness
To practice good conduct is akin to swim the sea with arms
Instruments of religion and science must meet together
Leaving aside doubts, the faith with which initiation has been taken, should be kept intact
Chastity is the best penance
Restraint are of four types – restrain of mind, speech, body and instruments
Man believes himself brave until he does not see the conqueror
Whether he is an ascetic or a family man, one who keeps his vows well attains moksha