अणभिक्कंतं च वयं संपेहाए,
खणं जाणाहि पंडिए
खणं जाणाहि पंडिए
Wise man! Seeing the remaining age, realize the importance of time – understand the value of opportunity
Wise man! Seeing the remaining age, realize the importance of time – understand the value of opportunity
Leaving aside doubts, the faith with which initiation has been taken, should be kept intact
Sins should neither be committed by self, nor should be done through others
Association with the fools must be avoided
He only is a Sadhu, who thinks before speaking
Here, people are of different attitudes
A bright aspirant, through self-realization, should resolve not to repeat the mistakes committed due to un-vigilance in the past life
As is told to the virtuous, so is told to man of vice and as is told to the vice man so is told to the virtuous
One, who becomes humble, can make many others too