से ण हासाए, ण किड्डाए,
ण रतीए, ण विभूसाए
ण रतीए, ण विभूसाए
In old age, man is neither capable of joking, nor playing, nor loving and nor beautifying
In old age, man is neither capable of joking, nor playing, nor loving and nor beautifying
Wisemen should not be un-vigilant
There are weapons, which are one better than another, but there is nothing greater than weaponless ahimsa
Neither think low of yourself, nor think low of others
When elders (gurus) are speaking, preaching, then we should not speak in between
Who does not have a past or future, how can he be in the present?”
Man! You are your own friend. Why do you wish for an outside friend?
Unvigilant are not sadhus; sadhus are always awakened
‘Nirgrantha’ is the one who does not take Food and water in excess