Sōhaṁ tathāpi tava bhaktivaśānmunīśa
Kartuṁ stavaṁ vigataśaktirapi pravr̥ttaḥ |
Prītyātmavīryamavicārya mr̥gō mr̥gēndraṁ
Nābhyēti kiṁ nijaśiśōḥ paripālanārtham? ||5||
Bhaktamar Stotra – Shloka 5
Liberation (moksha) and freedom (nirvana)
अगुणिस्स नत्थि मोक्खो,
नत्थि अमोक्खस्स निव्वाणं
नत्थि अमोक्खस्स निव्वाणं
Moksha is not attained in absence of attributes and freedom is not attained in absence of moksha
Speak not much
बहुयं मा य आलवे
Do not speak too much
Old age
से ण हासाए, ण किड्डाए,
ण रतीए, ण विभूसाए
ण रतीए, ण विभूसाए
In old age, man is neither capable of joking, nor playing, nor loving and nor beautifying
The poisoned thorn
तम्हा उ वज्जए इत्थी,
विसलित्तं व कंटगं नच्चा
विसलित्तं व कंटगं नच्चा
Knowing the woman as a poisoned thorn, a celibate man should keep away from them
Jiv Vichar – Gatha 6
इंगाल जाल मुम्मुर,
उक्कासणि कणग विज्जुमाईआ|
अगणि जियाणं भेया, नायव्वा निउण बुद्धिए||
उक्कासणि कणग विज्जुमाईआ|
अगणि जियाणं भेया, नायव्वा निउण बुद्धिए||
TEUKAYA / AGNIKAYA : Agnikaya jiva are living beings that have fire as their own bodies, also known as fire bodies. Continue reading “Jiv Vichar – Gatha 6” »
Renunciation of enjoyments
उविच्च भोगा पुरिसं चयन्ति,
दुमं जहा खीणफलं व पक्खी
दुमं जहा खीणफलं व पक्खी
Like birds desert the tree bereft of fruits, enjoyments abandon the man of depleted virtues
Infinite Desires
इच्छा हु आगाससमा अणंतया
Human desires are infinite like an ocean
Attachment and distrees
लुप्पंति बहुसो मूढा, संसारम्मि अणंतए
Usually, ignorant perish in the everlasting world
Be friendly
मेत्तिं भूएसु कप्पए
Be friendly with all living beings