Don’t enjoy at the cost of others
Flying kites is dangerous
• The thread used to fly kites is made of glass pieces. This can be very harmful to birds. Their legs get entangled in the thread; they bleed and die of pain. Continue reading “Flying kites is dangerous” »
Ticket, Tax or Talent…Stealing anything is bad
Evading tax is a punishable offence
Follow Lord Mahaveer’s teachings…they can save your life
Follow principles strictly, peace and success will follow automatically
Non-violence is supreme
If you beat someone, you will be beaten one day
How to study?
Stop disrespecting knowledge & knowledgeable people. Increase your inner strength & mental level
Helping others is the true celebration
Be a true friend and human
Social service is true celebration
The real joy is in giving rather than receiving
Save Power
Save electricity, save money
Serve your parents
Always take care of your parents whole heartedly
Don’t judge a book by its cover
The blessings of elders increase knowledge