अहिंसा तसथावरसव्वभूयखेमंकरी
Non-violence is benevolent for all the living beings, mobile and immobile
Non-violence is benevolent for all the living beings, mobile and immobile
Speak what is true, benevolent, concise and understandable
Lord Mahavira has praised selflessness everywhere
Earned wealth is enjoyed by others; miser has to pay for the sins committed
Those who have crossed desires, they only are truly free
Looking for gratification, an aspirant should not desire for fulfillment of desires. He should think of them as unavailable even if they were available, and neglect those, which are available.
Sons are of four kinds — atijata, anujata, avajata and kulangara
Wise man is neither bonded nor free
Know the quantity of food intake
One should nor speak laughingly