न दीसई जाइविसेस कोई
Penance – special is seen directly, but caste-special is not seen
Penance – special is seen directly, but caste-special is not seen
He (Kubera) made the city Vinita, also called Ayodhya, twelve yojanas long and nine wide. After laying it out, the Yaksa-king, free from deceit, filled it unceasingly with inexhaustible clothes, ornaments, money, and grain. Even without a wall (as background for painting) a painting was made in the sky from the variegated light from palaces of diamond, sapphire, and cat’s eye. In it the appearance of challenge papers, as it were, to the peaks of Meru was made by the lofty golden palaces in the guise of banners. Continue reading “Description of Vinita” »
At any avaricious opportunity, greedy lies
Body has a beginning as well as an end
Greedy and restless speak lies
Until full information is not available on a subject, do not say,“This is this only”