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Stop Meat Export
Do not get angry
Even if someone were to abuse an aspirant, he should not get angry.
Man with the rigth faith
Man of right faith does not commit sins
Samprati Maharaj
Emperor Samprati, the grandson of Emperor Ashok, occupied a place of pride among the contemporary emperors. Emperor Ashok and his grandson Samprati endeavoured to propagate Indian culture throughout the world. Known as Indrapalit, Sangat and Vigatashok, Emperor Samprati was enthroned in 230 B.C., but he had been handling the administrative duties long before. Continue reading “Samprati Maharaj” »
Speak not if doubtful
एवमेयं ति नो वए
If you are doubtful on any subject then do not say ‘this is this only’
Pure, free and forbearing
विहग इव विप्पमुक्का,
वसुंधरा इव सव्वफासविसहा
Hearts of Sadhus are as pure as the water of a river in autumn. Like the bird, they are free of bondage and like the earth, they endure all pleasures and pain with equanimity
Who knows other’s pain ?
जे बहिया जाणइ, से अज्झत्थं जाणइ|
Who knows the internal, knows the external and who knows the external, knows the internal