We come across the Pawapuri Jalmandir while doing the pilgrimage of siddhagiri. Entering it we get ‘darshan’ of Lord Mahavir and Gautam Swami. Continue reading “Pawapuri Jalmandir” »
Pawapuri Jalmandir
Alochana Suddhi – Eleventh duty of the year
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Araja sunō prabhu ananta jiṇandā
Shri Ananthnath Jina Stavan
Rāga: Kalyāṇa’araja sunō prabhu ananta jiṇandā
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Refutation of Maya – Part 1
Svayambuddha said: “If an object is not real, how can it be useful? If illusion is such, then why does not a dream elephant perform work? If the existence of cause and effect of objects is not considered real, then why are you afraid of a falling thunderbolt? That being as you say, you are not, I am not; there is no speech, and no speaker. How would the knowledge of the thing desired produce results?
Your Majesty, you are deceived by these learned in perverse arguments, themselves greedy for sense objects, constantly averse to future welfare. Relying on discernment, keep far away from sense objects. Rely only on Dharma, O Master, for happiness in this world and next.” Continue reading “Refutation of Maya – Part 1” »
Prabhu! Tērē nayanakī balihārī
Shri Abhinandan Jina Stavan
Rāga: Bhairavī
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Avoid un-vigilance
Wisemen should not be un-vigilant
Exposition of the Carvaka system (Materialist)
Then Sambhinnamati, like the night before the new moon, a heap of darkness of exceeding wrong belief, whose mind was like poison, said: “Well said! Well said! Svayambuddha. You desire the Master’s welfare, for intention is inferred from speech like food from vomiting. Only hereditary ministers like you, no others, speak thus for the pleasure of the Master who is always sincere and gracious. Continue reading “Exposition of the Carvaka system (Materialist)” »
Prītama māharō rē
Śrī R̥ṣabhadēva Jina Stavan
Rāga: Māru – ”karama parīkṣā karaṇa kumāra cālyō…” Ē dēśī
R̥ṣabha jinēsara prītama māharō rē,
ōra na cāhuṁ rē kanta;
Rījhyō sāhiba saṅga na pariharē rē,
bhāṅgē sādi ananta.