Consuming food, water etc. at night is strictly prohibited in the Jain Dharma. There are many reasons for this prohibition. The germs and microbes that disappear when there is sunlight do not really get destroyed; they take shelter in shadowy places and after the sunset, they enter and pervade the atmosphere. These microbes are invisible to the naked eye, get into our food. Consuming this kind of food will lead to killing of these germs and bacterias which in turn will lead to our ill health.
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Scientific reasons to avoid food at night
Human Birth
Worldly beings get human birth by getting purer
Gateway of Ghetipag
During the Siddhgiri yatra, while walking few more steps we come across a place where there is a wide space. When we move a little left and climb those few steps we see, a road going straight. Going a little far this road splits in two. On the right it takes people to Nav Tunk and straight way it would start dismounting with steps going down. Continue reading “Gateway of Ghetipag” »
Motivational Wallpaper #14
Shri Hemchandracharya
Kalikalsarvagna Hemchandracharya made extraordinary contribution for a long spell of seven decades to varied fields like poetry and grammar, history and puran, yoga and spiritual knowledge, lexicon and poetics, renunciation and penance, self-restraint and self-discipline and the state welfare and popular welfare. During the last 1000 years, there is no other personality that can match his saintliness and literary output. Continue reading “Shri Hemchandracharya” »
Follow Lord Mahaveer’s teachings…they can save your life
Follow principles strictly, peace and success will follow automatically