Celibacy is absolute freedom from sexual thoughts and desires. It is the total control of all the senses in thought, word and deed.
Celibacy is not mere bachelorhood. There should be strict abstinence not merely from sexual intercourse but also from auto-erotic manifestations, from masturbation, from homosexual acts and from all perverse sexual practices.
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Celibacy : Scientific Analysis
Motivational Wallpaper #6
Truth is God
Truth only is god
Bambhasārē vanamāṁ bhamatāṁ
Rāga: Navō vēṣa racē
Bhāva: Jīvananī anāthatā nō paricaya nē śrēṇīka nē anāthī muninō sadbōdha
Bambhasārē vanamāṁ bhamatāṁ,
r̥ṣī dīṭhō rayavāḍī ramatāṁ;
Rupa dēkhīnē manē rījhayō,
bhārē karamī paṇa bhadajyō.
Live Humbly
Live with Modesty
Kalavati’s wrists were cut-off
In her previous birth, Kalavati detached the wings of a parrot. She enjoyed the act and the agony of the parrot. She did not confess it. In the subsequent birth, the parrot became a king & Kalavati his queen. One day seeing her armlets, her friend asked, “Where did you get the armlets from?” The queen replied, “It is sent by a person who remains in my heart forever & in whose heart I do. Seeing him, my joy knows no bounds.” Continue reading “Kalavati’s wrists were cut-off” »