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Shri Anathi Muni

Shri Anathi Muni
Magadh King Shrenik Bimbisar set out for forest-outing riding a horse. As he entered Mandikuli garden, he saw a saintly person in meditation under a tree. He was surprised at the sight of such a pleasant face with glowing forehead and was impressed by the monk. The king wondered as to what heart-rending and shocking experiences of worldly life might have led him to forsake joys and pleasures of youthful life and resort to a saintly way of life dedicated to penance. Continue reading “Shri Anathi Muni” »

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Happy and unhappy

Happy and unhappy

खणमित्तसुक्खा बहुकालदुक्खा

Sense gratifications provide momentary pleasures but yield pain for long time

Night after the day and day after the night or light after the darkness and darkness after the light; similarly unhappiness after happiness and unhappiness after happiness continue to appear in life. Sometimes, we smile at favorable conditions, and cry at unfavorable condition. Continue reading “Happy and unhappy” »

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Pain through karma

Pain through karma

सकम्मुणा विप्परियासुवेइ

Man is afflicted because of his own karma

There is inequality in the world. Someone is being born, someone is giving birth; someone is living, someone dying; someone is earning, someone losing; someone is sleeping, someone awakened; someone is smiling, someone crying; someone is happy, someone unhappy. Continue reading “Pain through karma” »

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Goddess Ahimsa

Goddess Ahimsa

भगवती अहिंसा…. भीयाणं पि व सरणं

Goddess Ahimsa is like refuge for the fearful

A troubled fearful man looks for his safety to a strong man for refuge. After getting refuge the refugee gets contented, becomes fearless; similarly, after getting the refuge of goddess Ahimsa also, man becomes contented and fearless. Continue reading “Goddess Ahimsa” »

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Tārā mukhaḍā upara jā’uṁ vārī

Listen to Tārā mukhaḍā upara jā’uṁ vārī

Rāga: Ōlī candanabāḷānē bāraṇē
Bhāva: Candanabāḷā nī prabhuvīra pratyēnī śubha bhāvanā

Tārā mukhaḍā upara jā’uṁ vārī rē,
Vīra mārāṁ mana mān’yā, tārā darśananī balihārī rē vīra,
Muṭhī bākuḷā māṭē āvyā rē; manē hēta dharī bōlāvyā rē

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“Reverence to you, O Lord of the Congregation, Protector of the World, Ocean of Compassion, O Lord, son of Sri Nabhi. O Lord, you are resplendent with the three knowledge’s, sense knowledge, etc., innate, like Mt. Meru with the parks, Nandana, etc. O God, this zone of Bharata today surpasses heaven, since it is adorned by you, the crest-jewel of the three worlds. Like you, this day is to be held in respect throughout samsara, purified by the festival of your birth kalyana, O Lord of the World. From the auspicious occasion of your birth, happiness arose even for the inhabitants of hell. Continue reading “Stuti” »

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Uncertainity of Life

Uncertainity of Life

वओ अच्चेति जोव्वणं च

Age is receding and so the youth

As time passes, so also our age is diminishing. Since our birth, opening of our eyes and seeing the world, from then onwards our life is being lost every moment. People think that they are growing; but reality is that they are losing. Continue reading “Uncertainity of Life” »

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Paryushan Mahaparva – First Duty

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Way to live

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