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Humility towards Guru

Humility towards Guru

जस्संतिए धम्मपयाइं सिक्खे,
तस्संतिए वेणइयं पउंजे

From whomsoever one would have learnt religious lessons (pada); towards them, he should behave humbly

Pada means words. Religious pada means such words from which religious education is acquired. Such words are found in scriptures; hence, those who, explain scriptures are called religious gurus. Continue reading “Humility towards Guru” »

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Rest on the way

Rest on the way

संसयं खलु सो कुणइ
जो मग्गे कुणई घरं

He only doubts the devotion who wants to rest on the path

Moksha is our final goal and good conduct and good deeds is the path that takes us there. Continue reading “Rest on the way” »

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Knowledge and conduct

Knowledge and conduct

आहसु विज्जाचरणं पमोक्खं

Through knowledge and conduct only, one can get moksha (liberation)

As the eyes and legs – both are necessary to walk, so are both the knowledge and conduct important to attain moksha. Without the conduct, knowledge is lame; and without the knowledge, conduct is blind. A lame man is not able to move but he can see. Opposed to this, a blind man can walk but because of wrong direction, he can reach a wrong place. Therefore, an intelligent man needs to conduct himself as much as the man of good conduct needs to acquire knowledge. Continue reading “Knowledge and conduct” »

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Give whole-heartedly

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Śāmaḷīyō tyāgīnē huṁ tō rāgī

Listen to Śāmaḷīyō tyāgīnē huṁ tō rāgī

Śrī Neminath Jina Stavan
Rāga: Śyāma tērī bansī…

Śāmaḷīyō tyāgīnē huṁ tō rāgī,
Sanyama śuṁ raḍha manē lāgīrē lāgī hō vhālā…
Ō.. Vhālā rē mārā nēma nagīnā nirāgī,
Vhālā rē mārā sundara śyāma saubhāgī
Sanyama līyē hu’ā rē vaḍabhāgī.


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Jiv Vichar – Gatha 5

Jiv Vichar   Gatha 5

भोमंतरिकूख-मुदगं ओसा
हिम करग हरितणू महिआ|
हुंति घणोदहिमाई, भेयाणेगा य आउस्स||
In this stanza, the second type of sthavara jiva i.e. Apkaya jiva are defined and explained.
APKAYA : Apkaya jiva are living beings that have water (in any form) as their own bodies, also known as water bodies. Continue reading “Jiv Vichar – Gatha 5” »

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Shri Anathi Muni

Shri Anathi Muni
Magadh King Shrenik Bimbisar set out for forest-outing riding a horse. As he entered Mandikuli garden, he saw a saintly person in meditation under a tree. He was surprised at the sight of such a pleasant face with glowing forehead and was impressed by the monk. The king wondered as to what heart-rending and shocking experiences of worldly life might have led him to forsake joys and pleasures of youthful life and resort to a saintly way of life dedicated to penance. Continue reading “Shri Anathi Muni” »

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Happy and unhappy

Happy and unhappy

खणमित्तसुक्खा बहुकालदुक्खा

Sense gratifications provide momentary pleasures but yield pain for long time

Night after the day and day after the night or light after the darkness and darkness after the light; similarly unhappiness after happiness and unhappiness after happiness continue to appear in life. Sometimes, we smile at favorable conditions, and cry at unfavorable condition. Continue reading “Happy and unhappy” »

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