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Karma Bondage

Karma Bondage

जं जारिसं पुव्वमकासि कम्मं,
तमेव आगच्छति संपराए

What you had done in the past appears in the same way in future

If a wooden ball is put into water then it would not sink but swim. Soul is much lighter than that ball -very much lighter; still, it is sunk in the world. Why is it so? If that wooden ball is smeared with wet soil and then a cloth is wrapped on it and again wet soil be smeared on that cloth; likewise if it is done eight times and then that wooden ball is thrown in the water, it would sink.

Same logic applies for the soul. It is in the sinking condition in this world because of eight types of karma bondage.

After the birth, karma continue to produce their effects. According to past deeds, auspicious or inauspicious results appear and a person experiences pleasure or pain.

The essence is that for self-development we must practice the religion and avoid karma-bondage.

- Sutrakritanga Sutra 1/5/2/23

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  1. Your Name
    Jun 29, 2020 #

    Beautiful explanation ????????????????????????Jai Jinendra????????

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