Now then there is a continent named Jambudvipa, enclosed by innumerable circles of Oceans and Deep’s on this earth and this dweep is surrounded by a diamond wall. It is adorned with rivers, zones, and mountains, and at its center, like a navel, stands Meru made of gold and jewels. It (Meru) is a lac of yojanas high, adorned with three terraces; and its peak, forty yojanas high, is adorned with shrines of the Arhats. To the west of it, in the Videhas there is a large city, Ksitipratisthita by name, an ornament to the whole earth. In it Prasannacandra was king, unwearied in works of Dharma, resembling the king of the gods, resplendent with great magnificence. Continue reading “The first Incarnation of Rishabhdev as the Merchant Dhana – Part 1” »
The first Incarnation of Rishabhdev as the Merchant Dhana – Part 1
Foot prints of Sukoshal Muni
Chetan ! History means his story but if you take upon your own self it might become your own story. As they acheived the supreme goal at last, you too could strive hard to get that superb beauty.
One who wants to make a high jump in the sky, even one step is enough. In the same way, inspiration comes in the way of lighting. Only few could see it and fewer could feel it and rare, very rare people could be benefitted by it. Continue reading “Foot prints of Sukoshal Muni” »
Bhaktamar Stotra – Shloka 5
Sōhaṁ tathāpi tava bhaktivaśānmunīśa
Kartuṁ stavaṁ vigataśaktirapi pravr̥ttaḥ |
Prītyātmavīryamavicārya mr̥gō mr̥gēndraṁ
Nābhyēti kiṁ nijaśiśōḥ paripālanārtham? ||5||
Liberation (moksha) and freedom (nirvana)
नत्थि अमोक्खस्स निव्वाणं
Moksha is not attained in absence of attributes and freedom is not attained in absence of moksha
Foot prints of Kalikunda Parshwanath
During the Palitana tirthyatra, climbing serpent way before the stone steps take a complete left-u-turn, we find a little level ground with a little temple in the middle. Behind it is a water hut and the fourth place of rest.
The little temple has footprints of Kalikunda Parshwanath in it. Continue reading “Foot prints of Kalikunda Parshwanath” »
Refutation of Maya – Part 4
Now, Svayambuddha felt disgust with the world at his Master’s death, took initiation under Sri Siddha Acharya, piously observed the vow for a long time without any transgressions, and became an Indrasamanika, named Drdhadharma, in Aisana. Inclined to affection like a kinsman because of their relations in the previous birth, and wise, he spoke to console Lalitanga. “Why are you bewildered on account of a mere woman, O noble sir? Wise men do not reach such a state even at death.” Lalitanga replied: “Friend, what are you saying? For death is easy to bear, but separation from a wife is very hard to bear, A gazelle eyed woman is the only thing of value in the world; without whom all wealth, even such, is valueless.” Continue reading “Refutation of Maya – Part 4” »
Shri Pujya Tunk
Shri Pujya Tunk comes across us while doing the palitana tirthyatra. Chetan ! From here on your left side goes an old way,which is totally neglected, so let us walk on the newly built stone steps. Continue reading “Shri Pujya Tunk” »